Free mouth cancer checks on 25 September 2013
Reducing the risk of mouth cancer
The three most effective ways to prevent developing mouth cancer (or prevent it re-ocurring after successful treatment) are:
- not smoking
- keeping to the recommended weekly limits for alcohol consumption (21 units for men and 14 units for women (read more about alcohol units)
- eating a 'Mediterranean-style diet', with plenty of fresh vegetables (particularly tomatoes), citrus fruits, olive oil and fish (read more about healthy eating)
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If mouth cancer is diagnosed early, a complete cure is often possible using a combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. An estimated 4 out of 5 people with early-stage mouth cancer will live at least five years after their diagnosis and many peole live much longer. The outlook is poor if mouth cancer is diagnosed at a later stage, after the cancer has spread from the mouth into surrounding tissue. In these circumstances, just 1 in 5 people will live for at least five years after being diagnosed.[button color="pink" size="large " link="" target="_blank"][/button]